HK : Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Shatin – Patisserie 的精緻甜點


尋日先說起酒店大堂那家餅店的糕餅, 今日便有機會去試試了.

媽媽的朋友一行十多人到訪, 我便到樓下買蛋糕來招呼客人, 不客氣地一口氣點了八件 (共七款, 每件 HK$30), 似乎這裡的款式每天都有所不同, 只看今天的麵包款式, 便已跟昨天的稍有不同, 不知蛋糕款式是否同樣會變化的呢 !?

七款蛋糕裡, 我只試吃了一件, 不過還是想分享一下每件蛋糕的美態, 希望有機會全部被我品嚐一遍, 我會之後再逐一補回食評, 所以這篇就定為 ver 1 吧 ~ 


Fruit Cheese Cake 


 Cup Cake


 Lychee Dacqoise 


Lychee Strawberry Cake


 Lychee Ispahan


Strawberry Cake  


Chocolate Crunchy Cake – 我就是吃了這件, 很濃郁的朱古力味, 亦不算得太過甜,  唯獨那作底的餅乾硬身了一點.

8 thoughts on “HK : Hyatt Regency Hong Kong, Shatin – Patisserie 的精緻甜點

  1. Oi Shan Leung

    魚you are such a tough person. You don’t let the bad time beat you up. Still enjoy life even in it’s hard time.

    1. ~ 魚 ~ Post author

      冇辨法啦, 日子還是要過的, 何不開心點去面對.
      你說我自欺欺人也好, 我暫時很少去想到媽媽的病情, 先專心令她康復, 再一起面對下一步.

  2. 亞魚

    以後的事就遲些去想吧, 今天要大家開開心心去過。
    心情好病情都會容易些克服。  努力呀 !

  3. Oi Shan Leung

    Everyone has his/her defense mechanism. If it works to you then it can protect your break down. Mine one is a stupid one, I hide or avoid it. It is not health, I try to adjust it but it is very is hard to say . It is not health to worry if it is or will not happen. However most people prone to thinking about the bad thing. Be strong.

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