本星期有好消息呀 !


本星期同大家分享一件好消息先, 就係我今日見成份工了, 很大機會要九月開工啦 ~~

我還是覺得自己是幸運的, 從英國匆匆忙忙的趕回來, 經歷了起起跌趺的大小事, 剛好朋友又告知有 Vacancy, 本著不妨一試的心態, interview 完其實有點患得患失, 以我有的 experience 其實還有很多 points 可以答得到, 甩甩漏漏的卻仍然有幸得到他們看中, 今天下午朋友已經私下告訴我 interview 成功了 ~~ 

既然回流 HK 其中一件重要事情已處理好, 我將會安排再回英國一次, 將一切都完結掉, 包括工作, 生活, 甚至可能是不少友誼 … … 雖然不捨, 卻不得不走這一步, 可能年紀都不輕了, 漸漸没有了以往的洒脫, 說走就走已變得越來越難了 !

不管怎樣, 要做的, 應該要做的, 我都會去做的, 機會已放在眼前, 怎也要把握好的.


本星期開始了一些簡單的煮食, 其中一天跟媽媽來一個小火鍋之夜, 在酒店的電磁爐上打邊爐 ! 這天的目標是量少料精, 買的全是貴價一點的靚貨, 包括了生猛的竹蝦, 靚靚薄肥牛, 有機手造豆腐, 農場自家種的鮮菇 …

跟媽媽及老表, 吃了頓痛快的 !


昨晚則煎了三文魚扒 …  


今日則買了 Indian Takeaway, 火炭那家真的不錯, 不過看過食評, 原來只有晚餐才好吃架 !!  

30 thoughts on “本星期有好消息呀 !

    1. ~ 魚 ~ Post author

      謝謝你 !
      都唔係架, 好多時 hk 醫院計本地經驗多於外地經驗, 幸好今次佢地覺得我以往的工作範疇算是很廣, 樣樣都識 d 咁o卦 ~

  1. Oi Shan Leung

    Just re visit your London blog. The last day your mum in London. You said you would not back to HK cos you could not bear the weather. You do well in HK now. 你是否做政府醫院. They ask for some Chinese exams. I missed it in 1999 and I don’t think I will pass it now. Family is most important after all. Some people around me who stayed in Sydney from 4 to 20 years still decide back to UK when family calling.

    1. ~ 魚 ~ Post author

      係呀, 今次in 到的都係呀 !
      冇法啦, 我都仲係好怕熱, 仲要係濕先難受. 不過最近成日去游水, 反而覺得 hk 的好天氣比英國多, 真係兩地各有好有唔好.

  2. sydney

    hi, fish, if you will upgrade your blog, what will happen the old ones cos I read them all now to get some information for my trip. still waiting for my train pass. it is half my fault cos I forget to have enough time to receive the train pass from UK. Then I found this rail plus company in Mel and I expect they will send me the pass  Fri( today) (extra courier fee) but it could not  be delivered.
    Im going in Tues and hopely I'll have my ticket Mon.  Can I use GSD pound in England, Scotland and Walsh.  

    1. ~ 魚 ~ Post author

      我 Upgrade 的只係 Yahoo 那邊, 這邊應該唔會有影响喎 ~~
      GSD ? 你指用 GPB ? 係呀, England, Scotland 同 Wales 都用到架, Scotland 有自己的紙幣, 但同樣通用.
      祝你玩得開心 !

      我可能八月尾左右番去執野呀… 順便入定貨. 應該有好一陣子唔番去了.

  3. sydney

    The riots in UK scares me. I booked my hotel for  the first 6 nights and paid and it was not refunded. my friend suggests to buy another ticket and goes some where else. or go to Scotland directly. it  calsl Westpoint hotel in Hyde Park.

    1. ~ 魚 ~ Post author

      應該冇乜野的, 都 settle 啦 !
      你住 Hyde Park 應該 ok 的, 最多係日頭出去, 夜晚早點番酒店.

  4. Oi Shan Leung

    從未試過這麼蠢.最後一秒才buy train pass and travel insurance but both of them are in trouble and not guarantee will get it before leaving. It just is my bloody fault. Hey fish, how long you will stay in UK? Hope you can settle your stuff smoothly.so bad I cannot buy your car.

    1. ~ 魚 ~ Post author

      講真丫, 當知道佢請左我, 我真係開心架 ! 但呢幾日, 我開始有點擔心, 而且有點傷感.
      由英國番黎, 過了一個匆匆忙忙的七月, 人還未穩定下來, 便又要去見工, 根本没有太多休息.
      新工那邊希望我9 月中可以上班, 那我就要趕在下星期初飛回英國埋尾, 預計回去兩星期, 再要趕在媽媽打針前回來, 那才可以在9 月上班, 唉…. 我跟本没有時間定下來, 更不要說適應生活了.
      我開始感到壓力了 !!

    1. ~ 魚 ~ Post author

      謝謝 ! 不過興奮過後, 我開始感到壓力了, 要照顧媽媽之餘, 又要適應 hk 生活, 再要學習上班的新形式, 我都開始有點懷疑自己的能力了.

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